"Hiç şüphesiz ki Antalya dünyanın en güzel yeridir"
Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK24
Manavgat Şelalesi, Antalya`nın Manavgat ilçesinde Manavgat Çayı üzerinde bulunan ünlü bir şelaledir. Antalya`ya 80 km mesafededir. Manavgat ilçesinin 3 km. kuzeyinde bulunan ve adını bu ilçeden alan şelale, ırmak sularının 4-5 m.`lik bir falezden düşmesiyle meydana gelir.
2025 YILI İHTİYAÇ SAHİBİ VATANDAŞLARA GIDA PAKETİ ALIMI mal alımı 4734 sayılı Kamu İhale Kanununun 19 uncu maddesine göre açık ihale usulü ile ihale edilecek olup, teklifler sadece elektronik ortamda EKAP üzerinden alınacaktır. İhaleye ilişkin ayrıntılı bilgiler aşağıda yer almaktadır:
İKN | : | 2024/1873037 |
1-İdarenin | ||
c) Telefon ve faks numarası | : | 2422495430 - 2422495475 |
ç) İhale dokümanının görülebileceği ve e-imza kullanılarak indirilebileceği internet sayfası | : | https://ekap.kik.gov.tr/EKAP/ |
2-İhale konusu mal alımın
b) Niteliği, türü ve miktarı | : | 14 Kalem Malzemeden Oluşan 2025 Yılı İhtiyaç Sahibi Vatandaşlara Gıda Paketi Alımı işi olup, |
c) Yapılacağı/teslim edileceği yer | : | Antalya Büyükşehir Belediyesi Sosyal Hizmetler Dairesi Başkanlığının belirteceği yere hafta içi mesai saatleri içerisinde teslim edilecektir. |
ç) Süresi/teslim tarihi | : | Sözleşmenin imzalanmasına müteakip 3 gün içerisinde işe başlanacak olup işin süresi 20 (yirmi) takvim gündür. Sözleşme konusu mallar teknik şartnamede belirtilen şekil ve şartlarda, koliler içerisinde teslim edilecektir. Yüklenici Sosyal Hizmetler Daire Başkanlığı' nın belirleyeceği program dahilinde malzemeler ihtiyaca binaen talep edilecek ve talep tarihinden itibaren en geç 7 gün içinde ilgili birim sorumluları tarafından tutanak/ irsaliye/ vb. ile teslim alınacaktır. Gıda malzemelerinin teslimi hafta içinde mesai saatlerinde olması gerekmektedir. |
d) İşe başlama tarihi | : | Sözleşme imzalanmasından itibaren 3 (üç) gün içinde işe başlanacaktır. |
a) İhale (son teklif verme) tarih ve saati | : | 24.01.2025 - 14:00 |
b) İhale komisyonunun toplantı yeri (e-tekliflerin açılacağı adres) | : | ANTALYA BÜYÜKŞEHİR BELEDİYESİ 4. KAT İHALE SALONU-YÜKSEK ALAN MAH. A.MENDERES BULV. NO:20 07310 ANTALYA/MURATPAŞA |
4. İhaleye katılabilme şartları ve istenilen belgeler ile yeterlik değerlendirmesinde uygulanacak kriterler:
4.1. İsteklilerin ihaleye katılabilmeleri için aşağıda sayılan belgeler ve yeterlik kriterleri ile fiyat dışı unsurlara ilişkin bilgileri e-teklifleri kapsamında beyan etmeleri gerekmektedir.
4.1.2. Teklif vermeye yetkili olduğunu gösteren bilgiler; Tüzel kişilerde; isteklilerin yönetimindeki görevliler ile ilgisine göre, ortaklar ve ortaklık oranlarına (halka arz edilen hisseler hariç)/üyelerine/kurucularına ilişkin bilgiler idarece EKAP’tan alınır.
4.1.3. Şekli ve içeriği İdari Şartnamede belirlenen teklif mektubu.
4.1.4. Şekli ve içeriği İdari Şartnamede belirlenen geçici teminat bilgileri.
4.1.5 İhale konusu alımın tamamı veya bir kısmı alt yüklenicilere yaptırılamaz.
4.2. Ekonomik ve mali yeterliğe ilişkin belgeler ve bu belgelerin taşıması gereken kriterler: |
İdare tarafından ekonomik ve mali yeterliğe ilişkin kriter belirtilmemiştir. |
4.3. Mesleki ve teknik yeterliğe ilişkin belgeler ve bu belgelerin taşıması gereken kriterler: |
İdare tarafından mesleki ve teknik yeterliğe ilişkin kriter belirtilmemiştir. |
5. Ekonomik açıdan en avantajlı teklif sadece fiyat esasına göre belirlenecektir.
6. İhaleye sadece yerli istekliler katılabilecektir.
7. İhale dokümanı EKAP üzerinden bedelsiz olarak görülebilir. Ancak, ihaleye teklif verecek olanların, e-imza kullanarak EKAP üzerinden ihale dokümanını indirmeleri zorunludur.
8. Teklifler, EKAP üzerinden elektronik ortamda hazırlandıktan sonra, e-imza ile imzalanarak, teklife ilişkin e-anahtar ile birlikte ihale tarih ve saatine kadar EKAP üzerinden gönderilecektir.
9. İstekliler tekliflerini, her bir iş kaleminin miktarı ile bu iş kalemleri için teklif edilen birim fiyatların çarpımı sonucu bulunan toplam bedel üzerinden teklif birim fiyat şeklinde verilecektir. İhale sonucunda, üzerine ihale yapılan istekli ile birim fiyat sözleşme imzalanacaktır.
10. Bu ihalede, işin tamamı için teklif verilecektir.
11. İstekliler teklif ettikleri bedelin %3’ünden az olmamak üzere kendi belirleyecekleri tutarda geçici teminat vereceklerdir.
12. Bu ihalede elektronik eksiltme yapılmayacaktır.
13. Verilen tekliflerin geçerlilik süresi, ihale tarihinden itibaren 90 (Doksan) takvim günüdür.
14.Konsorsiyum olarak ihaleye teklif verilemez.
15. Diğer hususlar:
Teklif fiyatı ihale komisyonu tarafından aşırı düşük olarak tespit edilen isteklilerden Kanunun 38 inci maddesine göre açıklama istenecektir.
Manavgat Şelalesi, Antalya`nın Manavgat ilçesinde Manavgat Çayı üzerinde bulunan ünlü bir şelaledir. Antalya`ya 80 km mesafededir. Manavgat ilçesinin 3 km. kuzeyinde bulunan ve adını bu ilçeden alan şelale, ırmak sularının 4-5 m.`lik bir falezden düşmesiyle meydana gelir.
The provisions of these "Clarifications Request" are issued to provide necessary clarification on certain aspects of the Bidding Documents in response to the queries or clarification request sent by prospective bidders in writing. | |||||||
No. | Bidding Document Page Number | Relevant Clause in the Bidding Document | Question or Clarification Request by the Prospective Bidder | Reply of the Client | Amendment to Bidding Document Required YES or NO (If "YES", please specify the Amendment Number) | ||
1 | Page 49 | Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria –Technical Part/1. Qualification/Qualification Criteria (ITB 32.1)/(c) Manufacturer’s experience and Technical Capacity/(i) | Although our company was founded in January 2024, it uses a manufacturing know-how with 30 years of experience. with this know-how, it has made the first 530mm and 600mm monolithic aluminum profiles and related manufacturing in Turkey. however, currently, our company is manufacturing with bolting system from various profiles up to 70mm. Within these productions, we have approximately 200 working vehicles in many provinces. our staff who manufacture these vehicles are also currently working in our company. For this reason, we kindly request that the clause on Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria/(c) Manufacturer's Experience and Technical Capacity/(i) in the bid specifications be changed. | Qualification criteria apply as in the bidding document. | NO | ||
2 | Page 49 | Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria –Technical Part/1. Qualification/Qualification Criteria (ITB 32.1)/(c) Manufacturer’s experience and Technical Capacity/(v) | After our reviewing the tender specification, we kindly request the ISO 28000 certificate requirement, which is mentioned on Section III subject 1.c.v., to be deleted. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.5 | YES | ||
3 | Page 49 | Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria –Technical Part/1. Qualification/Qualification Criteria (ITB 32.1)/(d)Manufacturer’s authorization/(e) | 1. Qualification (d) Manufacturer’s authorization: Existing Article (d) Manufacturer’s authorization: A Bidder who does not manufacture an item/s where a manufacturer authorization is required in accordance with BDS ITB 17.2 (a), the Bidder shall provide evidence of being duly authorized by a manufacturer (Manufacturer’s Authorization Form, Section IV, Bidding Forms), meeting the criteria in (c) above, to supply the Goods; (e) A bidder who does not manufacture an item/s where a manufacturer authorization is not required in accordance with BDS ITB 17.2 (a), the bidder shall submit documentation on, its status as a supplier, to the satisfaction of the Purchaser (e.g. authorized dealer/ distributor of the items). N/A Explanation: Our company is owned by origin in Germany. Our company manufactures truck and coaches in 2 factories in Turkey and are the distributor of trucks and coaches which are manufactured in Germany for the Turkish market. For the year 2023 our company is one of the highest tax paying industrial enterprises in Turkey. The truck chassis we are planning to offer to body builders for the tender in subject are manufactured in Germany. Our company is responsible for all sales related transactions relating the Turkish market. Within this role, appointing dealers and issuing authorization letters for tenders is solely our company’s responsibility. In this position we are not able to issue the Manufacturer’s authorization letter. Bearing in mind that the headquarters of a global manufacturer active in more than 200 markets cannot have the local know how, whether or not to authorize local companies for a public tender, we kindly ask for your permission to issue the authorization letters. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.5
| YES | ||
4 | Page 85-86 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause 2.2.5. | Existing Article 2.2.5.: The vehicle shall have a SCR System. During the regeneration of the SCR System, the regeneration period must be maximum 30 seconds in order to keep the effect on the operation performance of the superstructure equipment (pump, etc.) connected to the vehicle. Explanation: In general regeneration takes much longer, approx. 30 minutes up to 1 hour. Our trucks, regeneration process starts automatically but can also be initiated manually. If the regeneration starts automatically during the fire extinguishing operation, it can be easily stopped by a switch and can be prolonged. As a solution, the regeneration can be initiated manually in your garage as part of your weekly or monthly regular maintenance checks like checking engine oil level, tyres pressure, engine cooling water level etc. We suggest to change this article as follows: New Article 2.2.5: The vehicle shall have a SCR System. During the regeneration of the SCR System, the regeneration period must be maximum 30 seconds in order to keep the effect on the operation performance of the superstructure equipment (pump, etc.) connected to the vehicle. If the regeneration time is longer than 30 seconds, the regeneration process must be able to start and to stop manually by a switch. At all times the same switch will be used to stop and to prolong the regeneration to a later time. | The related clause specified in the Bidding Document will remain as it is and will not be amended in order to prevent the disruption of interventions and loss of time in fire and rescue incidents due to the SCR System. | NO | ||
5 | Page 86 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause 2.4.1.
| We request that the transmission system be changed to have at least 8 forward and 1 reverse speeds, within the scope of the vehicles produced in 2025.
Article 2.4.1: The transmission shall be at least 9 (nine) forward and 1 (one) reverse speed. Explanation: Majority of the Chassis Cab Truck manufacturers (Iveco, MAN, Renault, Volvo) at this tonnage/segment currently using a state of art new transmission which is ZF made 8AP1200 series full automatic transmission with torque converter. This transmission has 8 forward and 1 reverse speed. We kindly request Article to be revised as followed; Revised Article 2.4.1.: The transmission shall be at least 8 (eight) forward and 1 (one) reverse speed. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.6 | YES | ||
6 | Page 86 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause 2.4.2.
| We request that the transmission system be changed to automated type or full automatic type within the scope of the vehicles produced in 2025.
Article 2.4.2.: The transmission shall be of the automated type. Explanation: Above mentioned ZF 8AP1200 series transmission is full automatic transmission offers smoother driving performance compared to automated type transmissions. The wear and tear parts of automated type transmission. We kindly request Article to be revised as followed; Revised Article 2.4.2.: The transmission shall be automated or full automatic type. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.7 | YES | ||
7 | Page 86 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause 2.5.6. | Existing Article 2.5.6. The driver's cabin height of the vehicle shall be a maximum of 2.900 mm (excluding the superstructure height). Explanation: In Lot 1 the cabin height is restricted to an extreme low level whereas the height of the superstructure, in other words the height of the complete vehicle including the body is not defined. From the using point of view, it does not make sense to restrict the cabin height when the height of the superstructure, in other words the total height of the vehicle is allowed to be much higher than the cabin itself. Also, from commercial point of view chassis with 2.900 mm cabin height are special designed concepts and are much more expensive than the large-scale production commercial municipal trucks. In order to open this lot to competition we suggest a 210 mm higher cabin height. New Article 2.5.6. The driver's cabin and the height of the vehicle including the superstructure shall be a maximum of 3.110 mm. | As a result of the increase in the cabin height of the vehicle, the height of the superstructure will increase and the vehicle's movement or maneuvering area will be restricted when entering or exiting narrow spaces. For this reason, the clause specified in the bidding document will not be amended and remain as it is. | NO | ||
8 | Page 86 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause 2.6.1. | Based on our requests for articles 2.4.1. and 2.4.2.; if the vehicles are fully automatic, they will not have a clutch system. We kindly request that the clause be re-evaluated.
Article 2.6.1.: The clutch single disc diaphragm shall be spring-loaded. Explanation: One of many advantages of full automatic transmission is a torque converter. Torque converter removes need of constantly wearing spring loaded clutch system with life time solution. We kindly request Article to be revised as followed; Revised Article 2.6.1.: The clutch single disc diaphragm shall be spring loaded in automated transmission application. Full automatic transmission shall have torque converter. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.8 | YES | ||
9 | Page 87 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause 2.7.15. | Article 2.7.15.: The air filter suction in the vehicle shall be on the chassis. Explanation: Majority of the Chassis Cab manufacturers places air intake (filter) suction behind the cab or in front of the cab depending on the application. Limiting placement by stating “chassis” can be misleading. We kindly request Article to be revised as followed; Revised Article 2.7.15.: Air filter suction shall be mounted at suitable height recommended by chassis manufacturer. | If the air filter suction on the vehicle is closed in unforeseen situations during firefighting incidents such as fire, rescue, flood etc, the intervention of the fire brigade to the incident may be interrupted and this may cause a loss of time. In this respect the clause specified in the specification will not be amended and remain as it is.
| NO | ||
10 | Page 87 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause 2.10.1. | Existing Article 2.10.1. Semi-elliptical scissors with stretching in one direction at the front, semi-elliptical scissors with stretching in two directions at the rear. Explanation: Our truck is fitted with steel suspension at front and air suspension at rear axle. The air suspension is very robust and is used also in all construction tipper semi-trailers used off road. The advantage of the air suspension for the driver is high vehicle stability because of the automatic continuous leveling system and that the vehicle height/ground clearance can be adjusted up to +200 mm or -80 mm when the truck is standing and/or when the truck is moving up to a speed of 30 km/h, via the lifting/lowering device by the driver. New Article 2.10.1. At the front axle semi-elliptical scissors with stretching in one direction, at the rear axle semi-elliptical scissors with stretching in two directions or air suspension. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.9 | YES | ||
11 | Page 87 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause 2.10.2. | Existing Article 2.10.2. There shall be hydraulic telescopic shock absorbers and banozzle bar at the front and rear. Explanation: At air suspension in the rear there are shock absorbers but not of telescopic type. Moreover, banozzle bar is not a common term in the automative sector. We suggest to extend this term with stabilizers for a clearer understanding. New article 2.10.2. There shall be hydraulic telescopic or other type of shock absorbers and banozzle bar/stabilizers at the front and rear. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.10 | YES | ||
12 | Page 87 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause 2.12.1. | We kindly request that the fuel tank capacity of at least 200 liters within the scope of the vehicles produced in 2025.
Article 2.12.1. The vehicle shall have a fuel tank with a capacity of at least 220 liters. Explanation: Reducing fuel tank capacity requirement from 220 liters to 200 liters will greatly enhance competitiveness of the tender as certain brands can offer up to 200 liters of fuel tank. We kindly request Article to be revised as followed; Revised Article 2.12.1.: The vehicle shall have a fuel tank with a capacity of at least 200 liters. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.11 | YES | ||
13 | Page 89 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause 5.4. | Article 5.4.: Front and rear cabinets manufactured from aluminum profiles shall be screwed and joined to corrosion-resistant anodized aluminum profiles with fasteners. Welding and bonding material shall not be used in this joining process. Explanation: Bolt, screw joint assemblies are compact applications for fixed structures. However, cabinets are mounted on the sub frame via flexible rubber joints to compensate unevenness on the ground. Use of bounding material, according to correct technique and high-quality products, during the assembly offers well needed flexibility. Our company, we combine bounding and bolt/screw assembly methodologies to achieve end result both flexible yet robust product. Revised Article 5.4.: Front and rear cabinets manufactured from aluminum profiles and sheets shall be bonded or screwed to joint to corrosion-resistant anodized aluminum profiles with fasteners. Welding shall not be used in this joining process. | Since the cabinets made of aluminum material will be lighter and will not create an extra burden on the vehicle, the clause specified in the specification will not be amended and remain as it is.
| NO | ||
14 | Page 90 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause 6.1. | Article 6.1.: There shall be a water tank with a capacity of at least 6.000 liters on the vehicle and it shall be made of polypropylene material and mounted in a way that can be easily disassembled and attached to the vehicle. Explanation: we are capable of offering tanks made of polypropylene, stainless steel and glass reinforced plastic material however, one stands out among others. Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) material requires experience and material knowledge to form a tank out of it. With right manufacturing methodology and well-designed tank’s mold structure, GRP tank offers monocoque structure on bottom, side walls and baffle plates. Top of the tank is closed with bounding method to seal the tank. This monocoque structure provides excellent durability and unparalleled pressure resistance. Among all of above-mentioned beneficial effects, GRP tank’s kerb weight is up to %5 lighter compared to polypropylene material tanks. We, hereby, kindly request adding of GRP material to water tank material list. Revised Article 6.1.: There shall be a water tank with a capacity of at least 6.000 liters on the vehicle and it shall be made of polypropylene or glass reinforced glass (GRP) material and mounted in a way that can be easily disassembled and attached to the vehicle. | Since the water tank to be made of polypropylene material on the vehicle will be more durable, the clause specified in the specification will not be amended and remain as it is.
| NO | ||
15 | Page 90 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause 7.1. | Article 7.1: It shall be made of polypropylene material with a foam tank of at least 300 liters on the vehicle. Explanation: we are capable of offering tanks made of polypropylene, stainless steel and glass reinforced plastic material however, one stands out among others. Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) material requires experience and material knowledge to form a tank out of it. With right manufacturing methodology and well-designed tank’s mold structure, GRP tank offers monocoque structure on bottom, side walls and baffle plates. Top of the tank is closed with bounding method to seal the tank. This monocoque structure provides excellent durability and unparalleled pressure resistance. Among all of above-mentioned beneficial effects, GRP tank’s kerb weight is up to %5 lighter compared to polypropylene material tanks. We, hereby, kindly request adding of GRP material to foam tank material list. Revised Article 7.1.: It shall be made of polypropylene or glass reinforced plastic (GRP) material with a foam tank of at least 300 liters on the vehicle. | Since the foam tank to be made of polypropylene material on the vehicle will be more durable, the clause specified in the specification will not be amended and remain as it is.
| NO | ||
16 | Page 99 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause | In order to use the nozzle more easily and efficiently by our fire brigade in fire incidents, Article of the specification has been changed.
| Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.12 | YES | ||
17 | Page 99 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause | In order to use the nozzle more easily and efficiently by our fire brigade in fire incidents, Article of the specification has been changed. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.13 | YES | ||
18 | Page 99 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause | In order to use the nozzle more easily and efficiently by our fire brigade in fire incidents, Article of the specification has been changed. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No. 14 | YES | ||
19 | Page 99 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause | In Article 14.4.2., as the title of the technical specification is related to C Type Storz Multi-Purpose Turbojet Nozzle, Article has been amended | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.15 | YES | ||
20 | Page 99 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause | In order to use the nozzle more easily and efficiently by our fire brigade in fire incidents, Article of the specification has been changed. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.16 | YES | ||
21 | Page 99 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause | In Article 14.4.2., as the title of the technical specification is related to C Type Storz Multi-Purpose Turbojet Nozzle, Article has been amended | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.17 | YES | ||
22 | Page 99 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause | In order to use the nozzle more easily and efficiently by our fire brigade in fire incidents, Article of the specification has been changed. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.18 | YES | ||
23 | Page 100 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause | In order to use the nozzle more easily and efficiently by our fire brigade in fire incidents, Article of the specification has been changed. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.19 | YES | ||
24 | Page 105 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause 14.12.4./(b) and (d) | Since the values specified in articles 14.12.4 b and d of the specification cover the Hydraulic Separating-Cutting Set product, articles 14.12.4 b and d of the specification have been changed. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.20 | YES | ||
25 | Page 106 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause | Since the strength of the heat-treated product is longer, article of the specification has been changed.
| Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.21 | YES | ||
26 | Page 106 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause | In order to use the nozzle more easily and efficiently by our fire brigade in fire incidents, Article of the specification has been changed. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.22 | YES | ||
27 | Page 106 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause | Since the length of the product is not specified and therefore the weight of the product will increase, has been changed. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.23 | YES | ||
28 | Page 110 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.2/Clause 2.4. | Existing Article 2.4. The vehicle shall have a SCR System. During the regeneration of the SCR System, the regeneration period must be maximum 30 seconds in order to keep the effect on the operation performance of the superstructure equipment (pump, etc.) connected to the vehicle. The engine shall be equipped with a pre-heater system or heating system provide easy ignition in cold weather. Explanation: In general regeneration takes much longer, approx. 30 minutes up to 1 hour. Our trucks, the regeneration process starts automatically but can also be initiated manually. If the regeneration starts automatically during the fire extinguishing operation, it can be easily stopped by a switch and can be prolonged. As a solution, the regeneration can be initiated manually in your garage as part of your weekly or monthly regular maintenance checks like checking engine oil level, tyres pressure, engine cooling water level etc. We suggest to change this article as follows: New Article 2.4: The vehicle shall have a SCR System. During the regeneration of the SCR System, the regeneration period must be maximum 30 seconds in order to keep the effect on the operation performance of the superstructure equipment (pump, etc.) connected to the vehicle. If the regeneration time is longer than 30 seconds, the regeneration process must be able to start and to stop manually by a switch. At all times the same switch will be used to stop and to prolong the regeneration to a later time. The engine shall be equipped with a pre-heater system or heating system provide easy ignition in cold weather. | The related clause specified in the Bidding Document will remain as it is and will not be amended in order to prevent the disruption of interventions and loss of time in fire and rescue incidents due to the SCR System. | NO | ||
29 | Page 110 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.2/Clause 2.7. | Article 2.7.: The vehicle gearbox shall operate automatically without the need for a clutch pedal. All gears of the transmission shall be synchronized and shall be at least 6 (six) forward and 1 (one) reverse speed. Explanation: The offered chassis vehicle is furnished with full automatic transmission with planetary gears hence, there is no synchronized gear on the gearbox. We kindly request section to be revised as followed; Revised Article 2.7.: Transmission shall be at least 6 (six) forward and 1 (one) reverse speed. If an automated gearbox is offered, all gears of the transmission shall be synchronized type. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.24 | YES | ||
30 | Page 110 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.2/Clause 2.12. | Existing Article 2.12: The cabin shall be designed to accommodate at least 1+2 people and the seats shall be comfortably upholstered and backrest. The driver's seat, on the other hand, shall be of an adjustable type and can protect from shocks. Explanation: In order to meet the total vehicle height criteria, the 42 meter ladder body needs an extremely low cabin. Due to the high engine tunnel in the middle of the cabin the maximum seating capacity is restricted to 1+1. New Article 2.12: The cabin shall be designed to accommodate at least 1+1 people and the seats shall be comfortably upholstered and backrest. The driver's seat, on the other hand, shall be of an adjustable type and can protect from shocks. | Since the vehicle must go to fire and rescue incidents, with 1 driver and 2 fire personnel, the clause specified in the specification will remain as it is.
| NO | ||
31 | Page 121 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 2.2.5. | Existing Article 2.2.5. The vehicle shall have a SCR System. During the regeneration of the SCR System, the regeneration period must be maximum 30 seconds in order to keep the effect on the operation performance of the superstructure equipment (pump, etc.) connected to the vehicle. The engine shall be equipped with a pre-heater system or heating system provide easy ignition in cold weather. Explanation: In general regeneration takes much longer, approx. 30 minutes up to 1 hour. Our trucks, the regeneration process starts automatically but can also be initiated manually. If the regeneration starts automatically during the fire extinguishing operation, it can be easily stopped by a switch and can be prolonged. As a solution, the regeneration can be initiated manually in your garage as part of your weekly or monthly regular maintenance checks like checking engine oil level, tyres pressure, engine cooling water level etc. We suggest to change this article as follows: New Article 2.2.5: The vehicle shall have a SCR System. During the regeneration of the SCR System, the regeneration period must be maximum 30 seconds in order to keep the effect on the operation performance of the superstructure equipment (pump, etc.) connected to the vehicle. If the regeneration time is longer than 30 seconds, the regeneration process must be able to start and to stop manually by a switch. At all times the same switch will be used to stop and to prolong the regeneration to a later time. | The related clause specified in the Bidding Document will remain as it is and will not be amended in order to prevent the disruption of interventions and loss of time in fire and rescue incidents due to the SCR System. | NO | ||
32 | Page 122 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 2.4.1. | Existing Article 2.4.1.: The transmission shall be at least 9 (nine) forward and 1 (one) reverse speed. Explanation: The gearbox used at our truck is the automatic Allison 3200 P with 6 (six) forward and 1 (one) reverse speed. As you may know, Allison is a very reliable and effective automatic gearbox especially preferred in fire fighting vehicles. New Article 2.4.1: The transmission shall be at least 6 (nine) forward and 1 (one) reverse speed. | Since the pump and ladder system on the vehicle will operate simultaneously when firefighters intervene in fire and rescue incidents, in order for the double PTO system to work more efficiently, the clause specified in the specification will remain as it is. | NO | ||
33 | Page 122 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 2.4.1. | Article 2.4.1: The transmission shall be at least 9 (nine) forward and 1 (one) reverse speed. Explanation: Majority of the Chassis Cab Truck manufacturers (Iveco, MAN, Renault, Volvo) at this tonnage/segment currently using a state of art new transmission which is ZF made 8AP1200 series full automatic transmission with torque converter. This transmission has 8 forward and 1 reverse speed. We kindly request Article to be revised as followed; Revised Article 2.4.1.: The transmission shall be at least 8 (eight) forward and 1 (one) reverse speed. |
Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.25 | YES | ||
34 | Page 122 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 2.4.2. | Existing 2.4.2: The transmission shall be of automated or manual type. Explanation: The Allisson gearbox is automatic. New Article 2.4.2: The transmission shall be of automatic, automated or manual type.
Article 2.4.2.: The transmission shall be of the automated type. Explanation: Above mentioned ZF 8AP1200 series transmission is full automatic transmission offers smoother driving performance compared to automated type transmissions. The wear and tear parts of automated type transmission. We kindly request Article to be revised as followed; Revised Article 2.4.2.: The transmission shall be automated or full automatic type. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.26 | YES | ||
35 | Page 122 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 2.5.5. | Existing Article 2.5.5: The front length of the vehicle (the length of the front part of the bumper and the front axle center) shall be maximum 1.500 mm. Explanation: Our truck has a unique low cabin design enabling maximum driving safety because of the extreme high visibility of the driver. This design results in a higher front length of the vehicle than requested in the tender. New Article: 2.5.5. The front length of the vehicle (the length of the front part of the bumper and the front axle center) shall be maximum 1.890 mm. | Since the vehicle's maneuverability will decrease as a result of the increase in the front length of the vehicle, the clause specified in the specification will remain as it is.
| NO | ||
36 | Page 122 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 2.6.1. | Existing Article 2.6.1: The clutch single disc diaphragm shall be spring-loaded. Explanation: Automatic gear boxes do not operate with a clutch. New Article 2.6.1: If the chassis truck is equipped with automated or manual gear box the clutch single disc diaphragm shall be spring-loaded.
Article 2.6.1.: The clutch single disc diaphragm shall be spring-loaded. Explanation: One of many advantages of full automatic transmission is a torque converter. Torque converter removes need of constantly wearing spring loaded clutch system with life time solution. We kindly request Article to be revised as followed; Revised Article 2.6.1.: The clutch single disc diaphragm shall be spring loaded in automated transmission application. Full automatic transmission shall have torque converter. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.27 | YES | ||
37 | Page 122 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 2.7.15. | Article 2.7.15.: The air filter suction in the vehicle shall be on the chassis. Explanation: Majority of the Chassis Cab manufacturers places air intake (filter) suction behind the cab or in front of the cab depending on the application. Limiting placement by stating “chassis” can be misleading. We kindly request Article to be revised as followed; Revised Article 2.7.15.: Air filter suction shall be mounted at suitable height recommended by chassis manufacturer. | If the air filter suction on the vehicle is closed in unforeseen situations during firefighting incidents such as fire, rescue, flood etc, the intervention of the fire brigade to the incident may be interrupted and this may cause a loss of time. In this respect the clause specified in the specification will not be amended and remain as it is. | NO | ||
38 | Page 123 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 2.10.1. | Existing Article 2.10.1: Semi-elliptical scissors with stretching in one direction at the front, semi-elliptical scissors with stretching in two directions at the rear. Explanation: Our truck is fitted with air suspension at front and rear axles. The air suspension is very robust and is used also in all tipper semi trailers used in off road construction sites. The advantage of the air suspension for the driver is high vehicle stability because of the automatic continuous leveling system and that the vehicle height/ground clearance can be adjusted up to +160 mm or -40 mm, depending on variant via the lifting/lowering device by the driver. New Article 2.10.1. Semi-elliptical scissors with stretching in one direction at the front, semi-elliptical scissors with stretching in two directions at the rear or air suspension with 2 air bellows in front and 4 air bellows at rear axle. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.28 | YES | ||
39 | Page 123 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 2.10.2. | Existing Article 2.10.2: There shall be hydraulic telescopic shock absorbers and balance bar at the front and rear. Explanation: The air suspension has also shock absorbers but not of telescopic type. Stabilizers are more commonly used than Balance bar. New article 2.10.2. The suspension will have shock absorbers. In front and rear there will be balance bars/stabilizers. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.29 | YES | ||
40 | Page 123 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 2.12.1. | We kindly request that the fuel tank capacity of at least 200 liters within the scope of the vehicles produced in 2025.
Article 2.12.1. The vehicle shall have a fuel tank with a capacity of at least 220 liters. Explanation: Reducing fuel tank capacity requirement from 220 liters to 200 liters will greatly enhance competitiveness of the tender as certain brands can offer up to 200 liters of fuel tank. We kindly request Article to be revised as followed; Revised Article 2.12.1.: The vehicle shall have a fuel tank with a capacity of at least 200 liters. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.30 | YES | ||
41 | Page 124 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 3.3.1 | Article 3.3.1. There shall be a water tank with a capacity of at least 2000 liters on the vehicle and it shall be made of Polypropylene material. Explanation: we are capable of offering tanks made of polypropylene, stainless steel and glass reinforced plastic material however, one stands out among others. Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) material requires experience and material knowledge to form a tank out of it. With right manufacturing methodology and well-designed tank mold structure, GRP tank offers monocoque structure on bottom, side walls and baffle plates. Top of the tank is closed with bounding method to seal the tank. This monocoque structure provides excellent durability and unparalleled pressure resistance. Among all of above-mentioned beneficial effects, GRP tank’s kerb weight is up to %5 lighter compared to polypropylene material tanks. We, hereby, kindly request adding of GRP material to water tank material list. Revised Article 3.3.1.: There shall be a water tank with a capacity of at least 2000 liters on the vehicle and it shall be made of Polypropylene or glass reinforced glass (GRP) material. | Since the water tank to be made of polypropylene material on the vehicle will be more durable, the clause specified in the specification will remain as it is.
| NO | ||
42 | Page 125 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 3.4.1. | Article 3.4.1.: Foam tank shall be constructed with a capacity of at least 200 liters. Foam tank shall be made of Polypropylene material. Explanation: we are capable of offering tanks made of polypropylene, stainless steel and glass reinforced plastic material however, one stands out among others. Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) material requires experience and material knowledge to form a tank out of it. With right manufacturing methodology and well-designed tank mold structure, GRP tank offers monocoque structure on bottom, side walls and baffle plates. Top of the tank is closed with bounding method to seal the tank. This monocoque structure provides excellent durability and unparalleled pressure resistance. Among all of above-mentioned beneficial effects, GRP tank’s kerb weight is up to %5 lighter compared to polypropylene material tanks. We, hereby, kindly request adding of GRP material to foam tank material list. Revised Article 3.4.1.: Foam tank shall be constructed with a capacity of at least 200 liters. Foam tank shall be made of Polypropylene or glass reinforced glass (GRP) material. | Since the foam tank to be made of polypropylene material on the vehicle will be more durable, the clause specified in the specification will remain as it is.
| NO | ||
43 | Page 125 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 3.5.2. | Article 3.5.2.: While the vehicles are in motion, the fire pump and fire installation shall be capable of flooding through the monitor. Explanation: As the vehicle has not been furnished with bumper turret discharging fire extinguishing media while in motion is unnecessary and dangerous considering at least one personnel will have to move with a nozzle and hose attached to it along the vehicle during vehicle’s motion. This can cause fatal accidents and its effectiveness raises serious doubts. Revised Article 3.5.2.: We recommend complete removal of the article. | The clause specified in the specification will remain the same in order to ensure the safety of the fire crews and to enable faster intervention in fires due to sudden changes in weather conditions (such as wind) when firefighters intervene in open areas.
| NO | ||
44 | Page 127 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 3.7.3. | Article 3.7.3.: The basket dimensions will have minimum internal dimension (basket top dimensions) of 1,600 mm x 700 mm (inside to inside) for safe intervention. The basket depth will be at least 1,050 mm. Explanation: We are designing rescue cage among other aspects of ladder set according to EN 14043 standard. The space required inside the cage determined by the capacity of the cage, EN14043 article requires area per person to be between 0,2 to 0,25 square meter. Distribution of this value among width and length is up to manufacturer. Therefore, stating dimensions of rescue cage simply limits the competitiveness of the tender as one of the manufacturers will be able to offer existing design while others require to design a new one according to requirement. We believe given dimensional were informational based only hence we, hereby kindly request, removal of dimensions from the Article. Revised Article 3.7.3.: Interior dimensions of the rescue cage interior shall be according to EN 14043. | Since the internal dimensions of the rescue cage is determined in accordance with the formula in EN 14043, the usable area of the cage and the number of people allowed in the rescue cage will remain as it is in the specification.
| NO | ||
45 | Page 127 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 3.7.6. | Article 3.7.6.: Ladder 75 degree lifting 360-degree rotation and full opening movement shall be completed in a maximum of 90 seconds in total. Explanation: we are well experienced with safe and risky operating times of aerial ladders. Speaking of mechanical aspect, above mentioned parameters in the specifications are feasible. However, 360° rotation within 90 seconds equals 4° per second which poses significant risk. Also, EN14043 article 3.25 “Operating Time” instructs this maneuver to be at 90° rather than 360° as it is more realistic scenario, a vehicle pulling over the scene, rotating 90° to left or right, lifting and extending simultaneously. Based on the information we have provided, we kindly request change of “360°” to “90°”. Revised Article 3.7.6.: Ladder 75 degree lifting 90 degree rotation and full opening movement shall be completed in a maximum of 90 seconds in total. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.31 | YES | ||
46 | Page 128 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 3.7.15. | Article 3.7.15.: The basket to be used shall be made of aluminum material. Explanation: Every aerial ladder manufacturing company has its own design and material preference based on availability, price fluctuations, repairability and replicability. We, offer rescue cage with widely available steel and aluminum combination which is easy to manufacture. Also, use of aluminum on non-essential parts offers weight reduction while use of steel offers more robust structure and cost reduced replicability. Under these circumstances, we kindly request Article to be revised as followed; Article 3.7.15.: The basket to be used shall be made of aluminum or steel material. | Since the basket made of aluminum material will be lighter and will not create an extra burden on the vehicle, the clause specified in the specification will remain as it is.
| NO | ||
47 | Page 128 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 3.7.17. | Article 3.7.17.: There shall be a ladder basket balancing system. The basket shall be parallel to the ground in each position. The basket system shall take the fluid from the hydraulic pump moving from the vehicle point. Explanation: Rescue cage levelling is one of most crucial part of aerial ladder operation as it is the Article reaching to victims to evacuate them from danger. Having levelling system fed from vehicle level (main hydraulic pump) poses threat as that oil has to be carried to cage level through ladder set. A debris may hit ladder set causing a rupture or a burst of fire can damage the hose etc. in such scenarios It would be difficult to operate without cage levelling. To overcome this problem, we implemented complete mini electro-hydraulic system beneath the rescue cage inside the carrier profiles of the cage itself. This system offers safer operation with its completely independent oil tank, pump, valves and control unit. Considering this advantage of ours, we kindly request acceptance of both standalone/separate rescue cage levelling and vehicle oil pump supplied system. Revised Article 3.7.17.: There shall be a ladder basket balancing system. The basket shall be parallel to the ground in each position. The basket system shall take the fluid from the hydraulic pump moving from the vehicle point or complete mini electro-hydraulic system beneath the rescue cage inside the carrier profiles of the cage itself consisting independent oil tank, pump, valves and control unit. | Since the system under the basket may be exposed to impact and heat during intervention in firefighting incidents, the clause specified in the specification will remain as it is.
| NO | ||
48 | Page 129 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 3.8.17. | Article 3.8.17.: The length of the joysticks to be used on the ladders and feet shall be at least 13 cm. The firefighter can be used comfortably with gloves. Explanation: Ladder control joysticks are in compliance with the requirement however outrigger control panels are significantly smaller compared to ladder control panel therefore placing 13 cm joysticks in such tight area will limit area of freedom in the panel. The joysticks we offer are smaller yet still offers proportional control over the outriggers. We kindly request removal of dimensional value. Revised Article 3.8.17.: The length of the joysticks used on the ladders and feet shall be selected to be comfortably usable with gloves. | Fire crews intervene in fire and rescue incidents with their personal protective clothing, and the clause specified in the specification will remain the same so that the joysticks on the vehicle can be used more easily at the time of the incident.
| NO | ||
49 | Page 131 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 4.2.11. | It is stated in ITB clause 37.1 that margin of domestic preference shall not be applied. However, in clause 4.2.11, a domestic goods certificate is requested. We kindly request that clarification. | Please See Addendum No.3/Clause No.32 | YES | ||
ADDENDUM NO:3 | |||||
The provisions of this amendment are being issued to modify or amend certain provision of the Bidding Documents as a result of changing circumstances or additional information being available from the Client or in response to the queries raised by the prospective bidders in writing. The Bidding Documents are hereby amended as below: | |||||
Amendment No. | Bidding Document Page Number | Relevant Clause of the Bidding Document | Clause in the Original Bidding Document | Amended Clause | |
1 | - | Specific Procurement Notice Request for Bids Goods (Two-Envelope Bidding Process)/Clause 6/Addendum No.1/Addendum No.2 | Addendum No.2: Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 26.12.2024, 14:00 (local time). Electronic Bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. The outer Bid envelopes marked “Original Bid”, and the inner envelopes marked “Technical Part” will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below on 26.12.2024, 14:15 (local time). All envelopes marked “Second Envelope: Financial Part” shall remain unopened and will be held in safe custody of the Purchaser until the second public opening. | Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 21.01.2025, 14:00 (local time). Electronic Bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. The outer Bid envelopes marked “Original Bid”, and the inner envelopes marked “Technical Part” will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below on 21.01.2025, 14:15 (local time). All envelopes marked “Second Envelope: Financial Part” shall remain unopened and will be held in safe custody of the Purchaser until the second public opening. | |
2 | Page 43 | Section II – Bid Data Sheet (BDS)/D. Submission of Bids/Clause ITB 22.1/Addendum No.1/Addendum No.2 | Addendum No.2: For Bid submission purposes only, the Purchaser’s address is: Attention: Antalya Metropolitan Municipality (Antalya Büyükşehir Belediyesi) Street Address: Yüksekalan Mahallesi Adnan Menderes Bulvarı No.:20 Muratpaşa Floor/ Room number: 4th Floor Bid Hall City: Antalya ZIP Code: 07310 Country: TURKIYE The deadline for Bid submission is: Date: 26.12.2024 Time: 14:00 local time Bidders shall not have the option of submitting their Bids electronically. | For Bid submission purposes only, the Purchaser’s address is: Attention: Antalya Metropolitan Municipality (Antalya Büyükşehir Belediyesi) Street Address: Yüksekalan Mahallesi Adnan Menderes Bulvarı No.:20 Muratpaşa Floor/ Room number: 4th Floor Bid Hall City: Antalya ZIP Code: 07310 Country: TURKIYE The deadline for Bid submission is: Date: 21.01.2025 Time: 14:00 local time Bidders shall not have the option of submitting their Bids electronically. | |
3 | Page 43 | Section II – Bid Data Sheet (BDS)/ E. Public Opening of Technical Parts of Bids/Clause ITB 25.1/Addendum No.1/Addendum No.2 | Addendum No.2: The Bid opening shall take place at: Antalya Metropolitan Municipality (Antalya Büyükşehir Belediyesi) Street Address: Yüksekalan Mahallesi Adnan Menderes Bulvarı No.:20 Muratpaşa 07310 Floor/ Room number: 4th Floor Bid Hall City: Antalya Country: TURKIYE Date: 26.12.2024 Time: 14:15 local time | The Bid opening shall take place at: Antalya Metropolitan Municipality (Antalya Büyükşehir Belediyesi) Street Address: Yüksekalan Mahallesi Adnan Menderes Bulvarı No.:20 Muratpaşa 07310 Floor/ Room number: 4th Floor Bid Hall City: Antalya Country: TURKIYE Date: 21.01.2025 Time: 14:15 local time | |
4 | Page 45 | Section II – Bid Data Sheet (BDS)/ C. Preparation of Bids/ Clause ITB 17.2 (a) | Manufacturer’s authorization is: required. | Manufacturer’s Authorization/s are required for the chassis and the superstructure as per Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria – Technical Part/1. Qualification/Qualification Criteria (ITB 32.1) (d) Manufacturer’s authorization. | |
5 | Page 49 | Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria –Technical Part/1. Qualification/Qualification Criteria (ITB 32.1)/(c) Manufacturer’s experience and Technical Capacity and (c) (iii), (v) and (d) Manufacturer’s authorization | (c) Manufacturer’s experience and Technical Capacity: For the items under each Lot/Contract, the Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence to demonstrate that the manufacturer of the offered goods: (i) has manufactured goods of similar nature and complexity for at least five (5) years prior to the bid submission deadline; (ii) For each one of the three lots separately, its annual production capacity of goods of similar nature and complexity for each of the last three (3) years prior to the bid submission deadline, is at least 2 (two) times the quantities specified under the Lot/Contract. (iii) Manufacturer’s production facility should include presence of sandblasting unit, washing cabinet, primer paint cabinet and topcoat paint unit (oven cabinet). (iv) ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certificate of Manufacturer. (v) ISO 28000 Supply-Chain Security Management System Certificate of the Manufacturer. (vi) ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Certificate of the Manufacturer.
(d) Manufacturer’s authorization: A Bidder who does not manufacture an item/s where a manufacturer authorization is required in accordance with BDS ITB 17.2 (a), the Bidder shall provide evidence of being duly authorized by a manufacturer (Manufacturer’s Authorization Form, Section IV, Bidding Forms), meeting the criteria in (c) above, to supply the Goods; | (c) Manufacturer’s experience and Technical Capacity: For the Goods under each Lot/Contract, the Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence to demonstrate that the manufacturer of the chassis and the superstructure: (i) has manufactured goods of similar nature and complexity for at least five (5) years prior to the bid submission deadline; (ii) For each one of the three lots separately, its annual production capacity of goods of similar nature and complexity for each of the last three (3) years prior to the bid submission deadline, is at least 2 (two) times the quantities specified under the Lot/Contract. (iii) Manufacturer’s production facility should include presence of sandblasting unit, washing cabinet, primer paint cabinet and topcoat paint unit (oven cabinet); Only for superstructure. (iv) ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certificate of Manufacturer. (v) ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Certificate of the Manufacturer.
(d) Manufacturer’s authorization: A Bidder who does not manufacture the chassis and/or the superstructure, the manufacturer authorization/s are required for these two main components of the offered Goods (the Final Product) in accordance with BDS ITB 17.2 (a). The Bidder shall provide evidence of being duly authorized by the respective manufacturer/s to supply these two components. If the offered Goods is manufactured as a whole (Final Product) by the Bidder, but the bidder is not the manufacturer, then the bidder shall submit manufacturer authorization obtained from the manufacturer of the Final Product.
If the offered Goods is not manufactured as a whole by the Bidder, the bidder shall submit manufacturer authorization/s for the chassis and/or the superstructure obtained from the respective manufacturer/s.
The Manufacturer’s Authorization should be provided using the Manufacturer’s Authorization Form, Section IV, Bidding Forms. In case the Manufacturer’s Authorization is provided by an authorized distributor/dealer of the Manufacturer, such manufacturer’s authorization should be supported by documentary evidence demonstrating that the authorized distributor/dealer has been duly authorized by the Manufacturer to issue on behalf of the Manufacturer the Manufacturer’s Authorization/s to prospective Bidder/s. | |
6 | Page 86 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause 2.4.1. | The transmission shall be at least 9 (nine) forward and 1 (one) reverse speed. | The transmission shall be full automatic. The transmission shall be at least 6 (six) forward and 1 (one) reverse speed. | |
7 | Page 86 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause 2.4.2. |
The transmission shall be of the automated type. | 2.4.2. has been deleted. Revised version specified as follows; … 2.4.1. The transmission shall be full automatic. The transmission shall be at least 6 (six) forward and 1 (one) reverse speed.
2.5. Differentials and Axles … | |
8 | Page 86 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause 2.6.1. | 2.6. Clutch 2.6.1. The clutch single disc diaphragm shall be spring-loaded. | 2.6. and 2.6.1. have been deleted. Revised version specified as follows; … 2.5.6. The driver's cabin height of the vehicle shall be a maximum of 2.900 mm (excluding the superstructure height).
2.7. Cabin … | |
9 | Page 87 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause 2.10.1. | Semi-elliptical scissors with stretching in one direction at the front, semi-elliptical scissors with stretching in two directions at the rear. | Semi-elliptical leaf spring with stretching in one direction at the front, semi-elliptical leaf spring with stretching in two directions at the rear or air suspension. | |
10 | Page 87 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause 2.10.2. | There shall be hydraulic telescopic shock absorbers and banozzle bar at the front and rear. | There shall be shock absorbers on suspensions. There shall be balance bar/stabilizers at the front and rear. | |
11 | Page 87 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause 2.12.1. | The vehicle shall have a fuel tank with a capacity of at least 220 liters. | The vehicle shall have a fuel tank with a capacity of at least 200 liters. | |
12 | Page 99 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause | The on/off valve of the nozzle shall be polyurethane protected. The shut-off valve with ball valve shall be comfortable to open and close. | The nozzle shall have a handle at the bottom side and on/off handle shall be on it. The shut-off valve with ball valve shall be comfortable to open and close. | |
13 | Page 99 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause | Nozzle flow rate shall be set. The nozzle flow rate can be adjusted in 4 stages as at least 150 lt/min, 250 lt/min, 350 lt/min, and 500 lt/min in 6 bars. | Nozzle flow rate shall be set. The nozzle flow rate can be adjusted in 4 stages as at least 115 lt/min, 225 lt/min, 350 lt/min, and 470 lt/min in 6 bars. | |
14 | Page 99 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause | The nozzle shall be maximum 2.5 kg and the nozzle dimensions shall be maximum 231 x 266 x 126 mm. | The nozzle shall be maximum 2.5 kg and the nozzle dimensions shall be maximum 245x270x126 mm. | |
15 | Page 99 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause | Turbojet nozzle shall be with B-Storz coupling. | Turbojet nozzle shall be with C-Storz coupling. | |
16 | Page 99 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause | The on/off valve of the nozzle shall be polyurethane protected. The shut-off valve with ball valve shall be comfortable to open and close. | The nozzle shall have a handle at the bottom side and on/off handle shall be on it. The shut-off valve with ball valve shall be comfortable to open and close. | |
17 | Page 99 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause | Nozzle water inlet B-Storz connection shall be swivel head. | Nozzle water inlet C-Storz connection shall be swivel head. | |
18 | Page 99 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause | Nozzle flow rate shall be set. Nozzle flow rate adjustment can be made in 4 stages as at least 60 lt/min, 130 lt/min, 250 lt/min, and 400 lt/min in 6 bars. | Nozzle flow rate shall be set. Nozzle flow rate adjustment can be made in 4 stages as at least 115 lt/min, 230 lt/min, 360 lt/min, and 475 lt/min in 6 bars. | |
19 | Page 100 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause | The nozzle shall be maximum 2.9 kg and the nozzle dimensions shall be maximum 253 x 252 x 115 mm. | The nozzle shall be maximum 2,00 kg and the nozzle dimensions shall be maximum 263x252x115 mm. | |
20 | Page 105 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause 14.12.4./(b) and (d) | Technical values: b) Maximum edge opening: at least 170 mm
d) Cuttable iron bar diameter thickness: at least 36 mm | Technical values: b) Edge opening: at least 59 mm
d) Cuttable iron bar diameter thickness: at least 20 mm | |
21 | Page 106 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause | The head and other end of the tool shall be made of pneumatic steel to provide maximum strength. | The head and other end of the tool shall be made of heat-treated steel to provide maximum strength. | |
22 | Page 106 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause | The tool head and hook end shall be placed at both ends of a 1” diameter rod that has been pre-stressed. | The tool head and hook end shall be placed at both ends of at least a 1” diameter rod that has been pre-stressed. | |
23 | Page 106 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.1/Clause | Its weight shall be maximum 1.6 kg. | Its weight shall be maximum 5 kg and length shall be at least 75 cm. | |
24 | Page 110 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.2/Clause 2.7. | The vehicle gearbox shall operate automatically without the need for a clutch pedal. All gears of the transmission shall be synchronized and shall be at least 6 (six) forward and 1 (one) reverse speed. | The transmission shall be full automatic. The transmission shall be at least 6 (six) forward and 1 (one) reverse speed. | |
25 | Page 122 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 2.4.1. |
The transmission shall be at least 9 (nine) forward and 1 (one) reverse speed. |
The transmission shall be at least 8 (eight) forward and 1 (one) reverse speed. | |
26 | Page 122 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 2.4.2. | The transmission shall be of automated or manuel type. | The transmission shall be of full automatic or automated or manual type. | |
27 | Page 122 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 2.6.1. | The clutch single disc diaphragm shall be spring-loaded. | If the chassis truck is equipped with automated or manual gear box, the clutch single disc diaphragm shall be spring-loaded. | |
28 | Page 123 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 2.10.1. | Semi-elliptical scissors with stretching in one direction at the front, semi-elliptical scissors with stretching in two directions at the rear. | Semi-elliptical leaf spring with stretching in one direction at the front, semi-elliptical leaf spring with stretching in two directions at the rear or air suspension. | |
29 | Page 123 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 2.10.2. |
There shall be hydraulic telescopic shock absorbers and balance bar at the front and rear. | There shall be shock absorbers on suspensions. There shall be balance bar/stabilizers at the front and rear. | |
30 | Page 123 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 2.12.1. | The vehicle shall have a fuel tank with a capacity of at least 220 liters. | The vehicle shall have a fuel tank with a capacity of at least 200 liters. | |
31 | Page 127 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 3.7.6. | Ladder 75 degree lifting 360 degree rotation and full opening movement shall be completed in a maximum of 90 seconds in total. | Ladder 75 degree lifting 90 degree rotation and full opening (sliding) movement shall be completed in a maximum of 90 seconds in total. | |
32 | Page 131 | Section VII - Schedule of Requirements/3. Technical Specifications/Lot.3/Clause 4.2.11. | Fire Truck Domestic Goods Certificate. | The clause 4.2.11. Fire Truck Domestic Goods Certificate has been deleted. | |
Manavgat Şelalesi, Antalya`nın Manavgat ilçesinde Manavgat Çayı üzerinde bulunan ünlü bir şelaledir. Antalya`ya 80 km mesafededir. Manavgat ilçesinin 3 km. kuzeyinde bulunan ve adını bu ilçeden alan şelale, ırmak sularının 4-5 m.`lik bir falezden düşmesiyle meydana gelir.
ADDENDUM NO:2 | |||||
The provisions of this addendum are being issued to modify or amend certain provision of the Bidding Documents as a result of changing circumstances or additional information being available from the Client or in response to the queries raised by the prospective bidders in writing. The Bidding Documents are hereby amended as below: | |||||
Addendum No. | Bidding Document Page Number | Relevant Clause of the Bidding Document | Clause in the Original Bidding Document | Amended Clause | |
1 | - | Specific Procurement Notice Request for Bids Goods (Two-Envelope Bidding Process)/Clause 6 Addendum No.1 Clause 1. | Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 29.11.2024, 14:00 (local time). Electronic Bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. The outer Bid envelopes marked “Original Bid”, and the inner envelopes marked “Technical Part” will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below on 29.11.2024, 14:15 (local time). All envelopes marked “Second Envelope: Financial Part” shall remain unopened and will be held in safe custody of the Purchaser until the second public opening. | Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 26.12.2024, 14:00 (local time). Electronic Bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. The outer Bid envelopes marked “Original Bid”, and the inner envelopes marked “Technical Part” will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below on 26.12.2024, 14:15 (local time). All envelopes marked “Second Envelope: Financial Part” shall remain unopened and will be held in safe custody of the Purchaser until the second public opening. | |
2 | Page 43 | Section II – Bid Data Sheet (BDS)/D. Submission of Bids/Clause ITB 22.1 Addendum No.1 Clause 2. | For Bid submission purposes only, the Purchaser’s address is: Attention: Antalya Metropolitan Municipality (Antalya Büyükşehir Belediyesi) Street Address: Yüksekalan Mahallesi Adnan Menderes Bulvarı No.:20 Muratpaşa Floor/ Room number: 4th Floor Bid Hall City: Antalya ZIP Code: 07310 Country: TURKIYE The deadline for Bid submission is: Date: 29.11.2024 Time: 14:00 local time Bidders shall not have the option of submitting their Bids electronically. | For Bid submission purposes only, the Purchaser’s address is: Attention: Antalya Metropolitan Municipality (Antalya Büyükşehir Belediyesi) Street Address: Yüksekalan Mahallesi Adnan Menderes Bulvarı No.:20 Muratpaşa Floor/ Room number: 4th Floor Bid Hall City: Antalya ZIP Code: 07310 Country: TURKIYE The deadline for Bid submission is: Date: 26.12.2024 Time: 14:00 local time Bidders shall not have the option of submitting their Bids electronically. | |
3 | Page 43 | Section II – Bid Data Sheet (BDS)/ E. Public Opening of Technical Parts of Bids/Clause ITB 25.1 Addendum No.1 Clause 3. | The Bid opening shall take place at: Antalya Metropolitan Municipality (Antalya Büyükşehir Belediyesi) Street Address: Yüksekalan Mahallesi Adnan Menderes Bulvarı No.:20 Muratpaşa 07310 Floor/ Room number: 4th Floor Bid Hall City: Antalya Country: TURKIYE Date: 29.11.2024 Time: 14:15 local time | The Bid opening shall take place at: Antalya Metropolitan Municipality (Antalya Büyükşehir Belediyesi) Street Address: Yüksekalan Mahallesi Adnan Menderes Bulvarı No.:20 Muratpaşa 07310 Floor/ Room number: 4th Floor Bid Hall City: Antalya Country: TURKIYE Date: 26.12.2024 Time: 14:15 local time |
Manavgat Şelalesi, Antalya`nın Manavgat ilçesinde Manavgat Çayı üzerinde bulunan ünlü bir şelaledir. Antalya`ya 80 km mesafededir. Manavgat ilçesinin 3 km. kuzeyinde bulunan ve adını bu ilçeden alan şelale, ırmak sularının 4-5 m.`lik bir falezden düşmesiyle meydana gelir.
ADDENDUM NO:1 | |||||
The provisions of this amendment are being issued to modify or amend certain provision of the Bidding Documents as a result of changing circumstances or additional information being available from the Client or in response to the queries raised by the prospective bidders in writing. The Bidding Documents are hereby amended as below: | |||||
Amendment No. | Bidding Document Page Number | Relevant Clause of the Bidding Document | Clause in the Original Bidding Document | Amended Clause | |
1 | - | Specific Procurement Notice Request for Bids Goods (Two-Envelope Bidding Process)/Clause 6 | Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 29.11.2024, 14:00 (local time). Electronic Bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. The outer Bid envelopes marked “Original Bid”, and the inner envelopes marked “Technical Part” will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below on 29.11.2024, 14:15 (local time). All envelopes marked “Second Envelope: Financial Part” shall remain unopened and will be held in safe custody of the Purchaser until the second public opening. | Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 10.12.2024, 14:00 (local time). Electronic Bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. The outer Bid envelopes marked “Original Bid”, and the inner envelopes marked “Technical Part” will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below on 10.12.2024, 14:15 (local time). All envelopes marked “Second Envelope: Financial Part” shall remain unopened and will be held in safe custody of the Purchaser until the second public opening. | |
2 | Page 43 | Section II – Bid Data Sheet (BDS)/D. Submission of Bids/Clause ITB 22.1 | For Bid submission purposes only, the Purchaser’s address is: Attention: Antalya Metropolitan Municipality (Antalya Büyükşehir Belediyesi) Street Address: Yüksekalan Mahallesi Adnan Menderes Bulvarı No.:20 Muratpaşa Floor/ Room number: 4th Floor Bid Hall City: Antalya ZIP Code: 07310
Country: TURKIYE The deadline for Bid submission is: Date: 29.11.2024 Time: 14:00 local time Bidders shall not have the option of submitting their Bids electronically. | For Bid submission purposes only, the Purchaser’s address is: Attention: Antalya Metropolitan Municipality (Antalya Büyükşehir Belediyesi) Street Address: Yüksekalan Mahallesi Adnan Menderes Bulvarı No.:20 Muratpaşa Floor/ Room number: 4th Floor Bid Hall City: Antalya ZIP Code: 07310 Country: TURKIYE The deadline for Bid submission is: Date: 10.12.2024 Time: 14:00 local time Bidders shall not have the option of submitting their Bids electronically. | |
3 | Page 43 | Section II – Bid Data Sheet (BDS)/ E. Public Opening of Technical Parts of Bids/Clause ITB 25.1 | The Bid opening shall take place at: Antalya Metropolitan Municipality (Antalya Büyükşehir Belediyesi) Street Address: Yüksekalan Mahallesi Adnan Menderes Bulvarı No.:20 Muratpaşa 07310 Floor/ Room number: 4th Floor Bid Hall City: Antalya Country: TURKIYE Date: 29.11.2024 Time: 14:15 local time | The Bid opening shall take place at: Antalya Metropolitan Municipality (Antalya Büyükşehir Belediyesi) Street Address: Yüksekalan Mahallesi Adnan Menderes Bulvarı No.:20 Muratpaşa 07310 Floor/ Room number: 4th Floor Bid Hall City: Antalya Country: TURKIYE Date: 10.12.2024 Time: 14:15 local time |
Manavgat Şelalesi, Antalya`nın Manavgat ilçesinde Manavgat Çayı üzerinde bulunan ünlü bir şelaledir. Antalya`ya 80 km mesafededir. Manavgat ilçesinin 3 km. kuzeyinde bulunan ve adını bu ilçeden alan şelale, ırmak sularının 4-5 m.`lik bir falezden düşmesiyle meydana gelir.
Specific Procurement Notice
Request for Bids
(Two-Envelope Bidding Process)
Lot.1 | Procurement of Single Cabin Multi-Purpose Fire Truck |
Lot.2 | Procurement of 42-Meter Fully Automatic Hydraulic Ladder Fire Truck with Angular Movement |
Lot.3 | Procurement of 28-Meter Ladder Fire Truck |
Country: Republic of Türkiye
Name of Project: Türkiye Earthquake, Floods and Wildfires Emergency Reconstruction Project (TEFWER)
Contract Title: Lot.1 – Procurement of Single Cabin Multi-Purpose Fire Truck
Lot.2 – Procurement of 42-Meter Fully Automatic Hydraulic Ladder Fire Truck with Angular Movement
Lot.3 – Procurement of 28-Meter Ladder Fire Truck
Loan No.: 9430-TR
RFB Reference No.: ANTALYA-G1
1. Iller Bankası A.Ş. (ILBANK) has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Türkiye’s Earthquake, Floods and Wildfires Emergency Reconstruction Project (TEFWER) and allocated some part of this loan to Antalya Metropolitan Municipality (shall be referred as Sub Borrower) for Antalya Fire Brigade Vehicle and Equipment Procurement Sub Project. The Sub-Borrower intends to apply part of the proceeds of this sub loan toward payments for “Lot.1 – Procurement of Single Cabin Multi-Purpose Fire Truck; Lot.2 – Procurement of 42-Meter Fully Automatic Hydraulic Ladder Fire Truck with Angular Movement and Lot.3 – Procurement of 28-Meters Ladder Fire Truck” (ANTALYA-G1).
2. Antalya Metropolitan Municipality now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for the goods specified in the table below. The delivery periods are for Lot.1 – 8 Months, for Lot.2 – 12 Months and for Lot.3 – 8 Months and location of delivery is Antalya Metropolitan Municipality – Fire Brigade Department. Margin of preference will not be applied. The bidding document includes qualification requirements may be found in www.ekap.gov.tr (please select exception section for searching)
Description of Goods | Unit | Nos |
Single Cabin Multi-Purpose Fire Truck | Set | 13 |
Description of Goods | Unit | Nos |
42-Meter Fully Automatic Hydraulic Ladder Fire Truck with Angular Movement | Set | 5 |
Description of Goods | Unit | Nos |
28-Meter Ladder Fire Truck | Set | 3 |
3. Bidders may Bid for one or more Lots/contracts, as further defined in the request for bids document. Bidders are not allowed to offer discounts that are conditional for the award of more than one Contract/lot. Bidding will be conducted through international competitive procurement using a Request for Bids (RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” November 2020 (“Procurement Regulations”) and is open to all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Regulations.
4. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from Mr. Ahmet KISA who is the Head of Fire Brigade Department and inspect the bidding document during office hours 09:00 to 17:00 hours at the address given below. Besides, they may obtain the detailed Specific Procurement Notice text from the links; “UN Development Business online” “www.ilbank.gov.tr”, “www.antalya.bel.tr”, “www.ekap.gov.tr”
Antalya Metropolitan Municipality Department of Fire Brigade (Antalya Büyükşehir Belediyesi İtfaiye Dairesi Başkanlığı)
Gülveren Mahallesi Hürriyet Caddesi 07220 Kepez/Antalya/Türkiye
Tel: 90 242 227 87 00/01
Fax: 90 242 227 00 32
e-mail: itfaiye@antalya.bel.tr
5. The bidding document in English may be purchased by interested Bidders upon the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of TRY 2,500.00 or € 80.00 or US$ 80.00. The method of payment will be bank transfer to Antalya Metropolitan Municipality, Accounting Department in the relevant bank accounts stated below referring also to ‘ANTALYA-G1 Bidding Document’. The fee deposited for purchasing the Bidding Documents shall by no means be returned. Upon payment of the fee and at the choice of the applicant, the Bidding Documents may either (a) be collected by the applicant from the Purchaser’s address stated below, or (b) be delivered by the Purchaser to the applicant through courier service, or (c) be sent by the Purchaser to the applicant through email as an attachment file in PDF format. In the written application the applicant should explicitly specify its selected option for obtaining the bidding documents, and also attach a copy of the bank transfer payment receipt.
TRY account:
Bank: VakıfBank / Türkiye
Branch: Yüzüncüyıl Şubesi
Branch Code: 313
Name of Account holder: Antalya Büyükşehir Belediyesi
Account No.: 00158007292338506
IBAN: TR75 0001 5001 5800 7292 3385 06
EUR account:
Bank: VakıfBank / Türkiye
Branch: Yüzüncüyıl Şubesi
Branch Code: 313
Name of Account holder: Antalya Büyükşehir Belediyesi
Account No.: 24003353
IBAN: TR88 0001 5001 5804 8024 0033 53
USD account:
Bank: VakıfBank / Türkiye
Branch: Yüzüncüyıl Şubesi
Branch Code: 313
Name of Account holder: Antalya Büyükşehir Belediyesi
Account No.: 24003344
IBAN: TR40 0001 5001 5804 8024 0033 44
6. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 29.11.2024, 14:00 (local time). Electronic Bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. The outer Bid envelopes marked “Original Bid”, and the inner envelopes marked “Technical Part” will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below on 29.11.2024, 14:15 (local time). All envelopes marked “Second Envelope: Financial Part” shall remain unopened and will be held in safe custody of the Purchaser until the second public opening.
7. All Bids must be accompanied by a ‘Bid Security’ of the minimum amount shown below for each Lot. The original Bid Security should be enclosed in the inner envelope containing the "Technical Part" of the Bid, in accordance with ITB Clause 19.1 of the bidding document. If a bidder bids for more than one lot, the bid security amounts for those lots will be cumulatively applicable (The bidder shall indicate the names of the lot or lots in the relevant section of the bid security form).
- Lot.1 - € 200,000.00 or equivalent in TRY or US Dollar currency.
- Lot.2 - € 250,000.00 or equivalent in TRY or US Dollar currency
- Lot.3 - € 50,000.00 or equivalent in TRY or US Dollar currency.
The exchange rate to be applied in conversion of the Bid Security Amount shall be the Selling Exchange rates officially published by the Central Bank of Turkey (Döviz Satış) at 03.30 p.m. (Turkey Time) on the applicable date (http://www.tcmb.gov.tr ). The applicable date for the exchange rates to shall be the date twenty-eight (28) days prior to the date of Bid Opening except when the date of Bid Opening falls one day after the end of official holiday (s) including Saturdays and Sundays in which case the applicable date shall be the last working day before twenty-eight (28) days prior to the date of Bid Opening.
Exchange rates can be obtained from http://www.tcmb.gov.tr.
8. Attention is drawn to the Procurement Regulations requiring the Borrower to disclose information on the successful bidder’s beneficial ownership, as part of the Contract Award Notice, using the Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Form as included in the bidding document.
9. The address referred to above is:
Antalya Metropolitan Municipality 4th floor Bid Hall (Antalya Büyükşehir Belediyesi)
Yüksekalan Mahallesi Adnan Menderes Bulvarı No.:20 07310 Muratpaşa/Antalya/Türkiye
Tel: 90 242 227 87 00/01
Fax: 90 242 227 00 32
e-mail: itfaiye@antalya.bel.tr
Manavgat Şelalesi, Antalya`nın Manavgat ilçesinde Manavgat Çayı üzerinde bulunan ünlü bir şelaledir. Antalya`ya 80 km mesafededir. Manavgat ilçesinin 3 km. kuzeyinde bulunan ve adını bu ilçeden alan şelale, ırmak sularının 4-5 m.`lik bir falezden düşmesiyle meydana gelir.
İhale ilanı için tıklayınız.
Manavgat Şelalesi, Antalya`nın Manavgat ilçesinde Manavgat Çayı üzerinde bulunan ünlü bir şelaledir. Antalya`ya 80 km mesafededir. Manavgat ilçesinin 3 km. kuzeyinde bulunan ve adını bu ilçeden alan şelale, ırmak sularının 4-5 m.`lik bir falezden düşmesiyle meydana gelir.
İhale ilanı için tıklayınız.
Manavgat Şelalesi, Antalya`nın Manavgat ilçesinde Manavgat Çayı üzerinde bulunan ünlü bir şelaledir. Antalya`ya 80 km mesafededir. Manavgat ilçesinin 3 km. kuzeyinde bulunan ve adını bu ilçeden alan şelale, ırmak sularının 4-5 m.`lik bir falezden düşmesiyle meydana gelir.
İhale ilanı için tıklayınız.
Manavgat Şelalesi, Antalya`nın Manavgat ilçesinde Manavgat Çayı üzerinde bulunan ünlü bir şelaledir. Antalya`ya 80 km mesafededir. Manavgat ilçesinin 3 km. kuzeyinde bulunan ve adını bu ilçeden alan şelale, ırmak sularının 4-5 m.`lik bir falezden düşmesiyle meydana gelir.
İhale ilanı için tıklayınız.
Alanya, Türkiye'nin Akdeniz Bölgesi'deki Antalya iline bağlı bir turizm ilçesidir. Şehir merkezine uzaklığı 154 kilometredir. Türkiye'nin güney sahillerinde bulunan Alanya, 1.598,51 km²'lik bir alana sahiptir ve 2015'te nüfusu 291.643 kişidir.
Daha iyi bir kullanıcı deneyimi için geliştirdiğimiz mobil uygulamamıza göz atın